Getting the most out of a session

For many people it's a serious decision to have some outside help with decluttering. It's normal to feel a little apprehensive before your decluttering session. Try to stay calm and be re-assured that we are on your side. We are here to help.

Here are some DO'S and DON'TS on how to get the best out of your time with Cluttergone:


Have plenty of black sacks.

Keep an open mind. We certainly do.

Set aside some uninterrupted time to work together. You might need to find someone to look after the children for a while and collect them from school.

Think about whether you'd like us to take before and after photos. These are not published and are confidential.

Let us know if you need to finish the session at a certain time.

Be willing to maintain the systems we set up.

Understand that if it took you a few years to get disorganised, it might take some time to fix.

Accept that there will be something that will need to be thrown away.

Be prepared to do some homework once we've gone. The more you can do on your own the more progress you will make.

Make sure you have enough cash. Most clients find it's easiest to do a bank transfer.

Realise that clutter clearing might just change your life.


There is no need to be embarrassed. We are here to help.

Rush out and buy anything special. It's more than likely we'll be able to use what you have in the house already.

Forget your sense of humour. We'll aim to keep a session light-hearted but productive.

Please don't tidy up before we visit.

Leave it until the last minute if you have to cancel for any reason. Our Consultants often travel a long way and could also have turned down other work.

Worry about confidentiality. We're not telling anyone!


Clutter doesn't turn up overnight, so for many people reaching a decision to have professional help with their clutter may also take a while. We appreciate that having someone come into your home may make you feel a little bit apprehensive. So on this page we'll give you as much information as we can about us and what we do. We're on your side and here to help.

Firstly, a bit about us:

We're really not scary. No high heels or business suits, just down to earth practical folk. All our team of Consultants are just ordinary people who are simply brilliant at helping people declutter and get organised.



When we arrive the first thing we'll do is ask you to give us a quick 'tour around'. It's totally up to you what you show us, but whatever it's like, we have seen it all before. Together we'll identify the place or places in your home that causes you and your family the most frustration. What we want to do is learn about you, how you like to live and what style of organisation is natural to you and of course what you hope to achieve. Although this part of the process doesn't usually take very long, often only around 15 minutes, it is a very important stage. While we are having what seems such a simple conversation, the Consultant's brain will be running like a computer at high speed, examining and testing dozens of possibilities and suggestions.

Hands on Decluttering:

Working with a Cluttergone Consultant will help you to see your belongings in a different way, this will enable you to break the inertia of where to start. The majority of the time decluttering is spent working together, hands-on. We'll provide a sounding board and help you tackle the decisions. We'll sort through the jumble of treasure and junk, deciding what stays and what to discard. We'll be wearing comfortable, practical clothes so it won't matter if we get a bit grubby or dusty. Most people once we get started, find they are motivated to let go of things they have held on to in the past.

Taking a break:

At the beginning of a session we'll ask you how long you want to work, so we can plan, leaving enough time to clear up at the end of the session. Lunch is not just a way to refuel. When you return refreshed to the task after a break, you'll see your surroundings differently and feel inspired to carry on.

Organise the things you want to keep:

Once we've weeded out the clutter, it's time to organise what's left. We look at the best way to use your space. Sometimes we may suggest rearranging furniture and materials to make a space that is helpful to you and a pleasure to be in. Together we will make decisions on what storage is needed. Most often people find that they do not require any further storage, just to use the storage they have in a different way. The best storage systems are those that are intuitive. There is no typical way to do this. There is no right or wrong, it's right if it works for you. It can be hard work ONCE, as we are creating maintainable systems that will prevent clutter from creeping back in the future.

Learning how to declutter:

We are often asked by people why they need to be there for the process. The answer is that much of what we do is teach. Some people have strong basic skills, although they may not realise it. They need just a few refinements. For others, we may have to start from the very beginning. Not everyone grows up learning how to organise a house. Their homes end up in a mess, not from disinterest but because they don't know how to make it work. We teach how to do it.

Keeping the clutter at bay:

At the end of each session we'll look at what's been achieved and the best way for you to continue after we've left. Our aim is to tailor simple, workable, organised systems for you, so the clutter doesn't return.


We're used to working in dusty, cluttered homes that have not been cleaned in a long, long time. That's our job. We're happy to roll up our sleeves and don a pair of vinyl gloves if needed. But squalor is different. Sadly, many hoarded homes decay to squalor through extreme neglect. Our Consultants do not work in extreme filth, squalor or hazardous conditions. Specifically, human or animal waste; infestations or pests. There are specialists in 'extreme cleaning' who are equipped to deal with these difficult situations with disposable suits and filtered breathing masks.